CVSA Releases 2023 International Roadcheck Results

CVSA Releases 2023 International Roadcheck Results

The International Roadcheck is an annual enforcement and safety inspection event organized by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). It typically takes place over a 72-hour period and involves a coordinated effort across North America, including the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The primary objective is to identify and address potential safety violations, with the intent that drivers and their respective CMVs (commercial motor vehicles) can operate on public roads safely.

The conducted inspections covered a wide range of aspects; some of which include:

  • Vehicle Safety: Brakes, tires, lights, steering, suspensions, wheels, etc
  • Driver Qualifications: Valid CDLs, medical certifications, HOS records, etc
  • Driver Safety: Seatbelt usage, alcohol/drug impairment, etc
  • Vehicle weight

As of July 31, 2023, the CVSA has released its 2023 International Roadcheck Results for North America, the United States, Canada, and Mexico. There were a total of 116,669 violations, which include 17,479 vehicle out-of-service violations, 2,975 cargo securement violations, 4,127 ABS violations, and 949 safety belt violations, among many others. Here is a closer look at some of the results, which are categorized by vehicle, driver, and HM/DG OOS violations.

1. Vehicle OOS Violations by #

Violation CategoriesNorth AmericaUnited StatesCanadaMexico
Brake Systems4,4124,04134229
Defective Service Brakes2,4682,23622210
Cargo Securement2,1711,969198

2. Driver OOS Violations by #

Violation CategoriesNorth AmericaUnited StatesCanada
Hours of Service2,1691,976193
False Logs1,3921,37418
Canceled/Revoked License416414
No Medical Card2,015241
Wrong Class License24114

3. HM/DG OOS Violations by #

Violation CategoriesNorth AmericaUnited StatesCanada
Shipping Papers44386
Other HM/DG4444
Training Certification1111
Package Integrity2
Bulk Package1

Summary of Data

In short, the top OOS violations across these three tables include brake systems, hours of service, and loading, especially within North America and the United States. The only data that was provided for Mexico was in the category of vehicle OOS violations.

Moreover, a total of 59,429 inspections were conducted during the event, which have been grouped into the following:

  • 60.6% Level I Inspections
    • Driver’s operating credentials
    • Vehicle’s components
  • 21.4% Level II Inspections
    • Walk-around driver and vehicle inspection
  • 15.7% Level III Inspections
    • Driver’s credentials
    • Hours-of-service records
    • Status in the drug and alcohol clearinghouse
  • 2.2% Level V Inspections
    • Vehicle-only inspection

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