Roadside Inspection Blitz June 4-June 6th, 2019

Over a 72 hour period between June 4th and June 6th, The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) International Roadcheck will conduct a high visibility inspection and enforcement blitz on commercial motor vehicles and drivers throughout North America. Each year, International Roadcheck places special emphasis on a category of violations. This year the focus is on steering and suspension systems.
Drivers will be required to provide:
- Driver’s license (operating credentials)
- Medical Examiner’s Certificate
- Skill Performance Evaluation Certificate (if applicable)
- Driver’s record of duty status
- Vehicle inspection report(s) (if applicable)
During International Roadcheck, CVSA-certified inspectors will conduct a 37-step procedure that includes an examination of driver operating requirements and vehicle mechanical fitness. Inspection includes checking critical items such as:
- Brake systems
- Cargo securement
- Coupling devices
- Driveline/Driveshaft
- Driver’s seat (missing)
- Fuel and Exhaust systems
- Lighting devices (headlamps, tail lamps, stop lamps, turn signals, etc.)
- Steering mechanisms
- Frames and Suspensions
- Van and open-top trailer bodies
- Tires, Wheels, rims, hubs
- Windshield wipers
Additional items for Buses, Motorcoaches, Passenger Vans or other passenger-carrying vehicles include:
- Emergency Exits
- Electrical Cables and Systems in engine and battery compartments
- Seating (temporary and aisle seats)
Inspectors will also check drivers for seat belts, sickness, fatigue, and drug and/or alcohol impairment.If an inspector identifies critical violations, they may render the vehicle out of service. This means the vehicle cannot be operated until the vehicle violation(s) are corrected. A driver can also be placed out of service for driver credential-related issues or driver conditions, such as fatigue or impairment. International Roadcheck is the largest targeted enforcement program on commercial motor vehicles in the world, with an average of 17 trucks and buses inspected every minute in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
If you want more information on where you stand with compliance, click here to sign up for a free demo of our Compliance Safety Manager software.
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