6 states combine for anti-speeding effort this weekend

If you’re going to or driving through these states this weekend, make sure to remove the lead from your right foot:
- Arkansas
- Kansas
- Missouri
- Iowa
- Nebraska
- Oklahoma
Cops in these states are part of, “Obey the sign or pay the fine,” a concerted effort aimed at speed limit violators from Friday, July 21, to Sunday, July 23.
“Speeding translates into death on our roadways,” said Susan DeCourcy, regional administrator for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration‘s Region 7. “It greatly reduces a driver’s ability to steer safely around another vehicle, a hazardous object in the roadway, or an unexpected curve.”
According to the latest data from NHTSA, speeding was a contributing factor in 27 percent of all fatal crashes in the U.S. during 2015. More than 9,500 lives were lost in these speed related crashes.